Mobile Devices

Mobile Devices and Internet Safety

For students in Years 7-11 we operate an ‘on site, out of site’ policy at all times which means the following:

  • Students are not allowed to use a mobile phone or other electronic device at any time between 0800 and 1530 in school.
  • Smart watches are banned.

If a student is caught using an electronic device in school, it will be confiscated.

Sixth Form students may use mobile and electronic devices in the Sixth Form study centre and in Le Bistro but only when directed by a teacher during lessons.

Mobile phones and computers are a part of everyday life for many children and young people.  Used correctly, they are an exciting source of communication, fun and education but, used incorrectly or in the wrong hands, they can be threatening and dangerous.

The risks include:

  • cyber-bullying, where hurtful texts or emails are sent to children;
  • children accidentally or deliberately accessing violent or sexually explicit websites, either on a computer or a mobile phone;
  • paedophiles talking to children by mobile phone or online and enticing them to engage in sexual conversations, photographs, video or actual meetings.

It isprobably  not practical to simply ban your child from using mobiles and computers as they might well try to find a way of using them, perhaps at a friend’s house or in an internet café.  They also need to learn how to manage the risks. Younger children will be much easier to supervise and you will decide if and when they should begin to use these technologies.

For further advice and information visit: