Bursary Award

The Bursary Award is for sixth form students who:

  • are deemed as part of a ‘vulnerable group’ (as defined in the link below), or
  • live in a household wherein the annual household income is below £25,000.

More detailed information about eligibility can be found here. If you fall into one of these groups, you could be eligible for a Bursary grant of up to £1200.

This Bursary Award is intended to support your academic studies. You could use the money to help pay for transport, school clothing, revision guides, field trips, university visits/UCAS or resources (including electronic devices) relevant to your courses. In addition to this, if you participate in any extra-curricular activities such as CCF or the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme, this money could help towards costs.

The Bursary Award includes the provision for you to have a daily meal in school. The money for this is taken out of the Bursary allowance that is awarded if eligible. The money for this will be put on your ID card on a daily basis.

Please contact the school directly for more information on our Bursary Award.

Discretionary Bursary

If you do not fit into this eligibility criteria but would benefit from some form of financial support due to extenuating circumstances, you may be eligible for a discretionary bursary. Please contact the school directly for more information regarding this.