

All members of Bournemouth School are expected to act with courtesy and consideration to others at all times.  This means being punctual and arriving at lessons properly equipped.  During the lessons all are expected to be attentive, co-operative and orderly.  Movement about the school should be quiet and mannerly, always being mindful of the needs and safety of others.

We expect the same high standards whenever students are participating in events, and when travelling to and from school.

Bullying and verbal abuse are never acceptable.

The school buildings, grounds and property should be treated with respect.  The same respect must be shown towards the personal property of others.

Nothing should be brought to school that is harmful or offensive either to yourself or to others.  This includes tobacco, alcohol or any illegal substances.  The school has a responsibility to its community and will always consult with the police when any action by a student may be illegal.

Click here for our Behaviour Policy Click here for our Anti-Bullying Policy


Rewards and Sanctions

At Bournemouth School we encourage students to be self-disciplined and to form respectful relationships with the rest of the school community. To this end, students may receive rewards in the form of Achievement Points or sanctions in the form of Behaviour Points.

Achievement Points can be gained for:

  • hard work e.g. showing high level of effort in a homework;
  • discipline e.g. demonstrating excellent behaviour for learning in a lesson;
  • smart appearance e.g. consistently wearing the correct uniform;
  • respect e.g. showing a positive attitude to others;
  • contributing to the wider school community e.g. taking part in a school production.

In addition to Achievement Points pupils may also be rewarded with the following:

  • phone call or a post card home to congratulate them on an achievement;
  • a nomination for Highly Commended Work;
  • have their work displayed in the entrance foyer or classroom;
  • included in a Celebration Assembly;
  • a reward as part of a tutor group competition;
  • an Exceptional Performance Certificate.

Where students do not meet our expectations in terms of behaviour the following sanctions may be enforced:

  • verbal warning;
  • asked to move seats / wait outside for a short time;
  • removal from a lesson;
  • community service;
  • detention (lunchtime, after school or Saturday);
  • internal isolation (students follow a separate timetable);
  • fixed term suspension;
  • permanent exclusion (very rarely used).